Chainsaw Human Typing is designed to simulate human typing in various scenarios. Follow these steps to effectively use the application:
- Open the Application: Launch the application from your desktop or start menu. You will be greeted with the main interface of the application.
- Enter Text: In the main window, you will see a text area where you can type or paste the text you want to simulate. This text will be used by the application to simulate typing.
- Configure Settings: Below the text area, you can configure several settings:
- Delay: Set the delay in seconds before starting the typing simulation.
- Interval: Set the interval between keystrokes. This determines how fast the typing simulation occurs.
- Chars per Stroke: Choose the number of characters to type at a time before pausing.
- Randomize Interval: If checked, the application will randomize the interval between keystrokes to simulate human typing more accurately.
- Mistake Percentage: Set the percentage of mistakes to introduce in the typing simulation. Mistakes include typos, backspaces, and corrections.
- Type Enter: If checked, the application will simulate pressing the Enter key when it encounters newline characters in the text.
- Start Typing: Click the "Start Typing" button to begin the simulation. The progress will be shown in the progress bar.
- Stop Typing: If you wish to stop the simulation, click the "Stop Typing" button. This will halt the typing process immediately.